Journal Back-up – Nov 2020, Week 4

11/23 There’s a moment of clarity that comes unexpectedly, and not as often as I’d wanted. In it, you are certain of the future, not of the specifics, but of the feeling when you get there. It’s still unknown, as it should be, but you know you’ll be there when it comes.

11/24 Pegging your value on the involvement you have on other people’s lives has its merits, but it should never come before your involvement in your own life. Intrinsic value comes first.

11/25 “Fuck it” is one of the healthiest things you can say to to yourself at times. Know what you control.

11/26 Sometimes the most potent form of persuasion is simply going all in on one thing with enough conviction that eventually, everyone else voluntarily takes the same lane you’ve been on all this time.

11/26 Don’t miss out on your smaller wins. They add up to bigger ones. One plus one is still two.

11/27 What if time occurs as one single moment, like one blink and that’s all of time, but our brains and memories can only take in one moment at a time, and from a single person’s perspective at a time, hence the need for linear time as we know it and the need for billions of people to experience all of it? (Listen to Waiting Room below)

11/28 Not everyone will get to where they want to be. For those who do get there, they will have done so because they knew where “there” begins and, just as important, where it ends.

11/29 Any fear can be boiled down to the fear of the unknown. So the antidote is clear: know. Jump in, face the music, shoot the shot.

11/29 There are two possibilities: Either your future self thanks you or curses you.